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General Chemistry for Engineers- Boys

Covers general aspects of chemistry. The main goal of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of chemistry for new engineering students.


پیش نیازها: 


سیاست نمره دهی: 
Mid-term Exam: 35%
Quiz: 15%
Final Exam: 50%


دستیار آموزشی: 
You'll find the Teacher Assistants respond quickly to questions at 5th floor of chemistry department - They will be available during working hours everyday.


زمان بندی کلاس: 

Sunday: 13:30-15:30
Tuesday: 13:30-15:30
Location: Talar 4

Fall 2014

تحت نظارت وف ایرانی

General Chemistry for Engineers- Boys | دکتر غلام‌حسین محمدنژاد


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